Spanish – Azafata hot

La bella azafata entra a la cabina de los pilotos.

– Tenemos un problema serio. La cafetera no calienta lo suficiente. Ya se me han quejado dos pasajeros.

– No hay forma de calentar el café en la hornalla?

– No, porque son demasiados cafés, voy a estar todo el día de cocinera.


– A ver si podemos hacer algo, la cabina usa 110 volts, podemos pasarlo a 220 y el café se va a hacer en un minutito…

– Me parece que el manual dice que no conviene cambiar el voltaje…

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Batman receives a phone call in his cell phone. At first he touches several wrong buttons, finally he manages to pick up the call. The Chief needs help to disable several nuclear bombs set up by Penguin. Batman is ready to help. But in the meantime, another phone call enters by some telemarketer, and Batman is not sure on how to manage two phone calls at once.
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Red chocolate

This short script for video or TV requires minimal scenery. Like all the ones in the category “Genie” it can refer to a male or female “genie”. The Genie uses a simple costume, with a couple of sheets used as robe and head scarf. Wide purple or red belt, also made with a sheet. The lamp can be made of cardboard. These elements are used for 6 or 7 episodes of Genie written so far. The sponsors for this video set may be multiple. Any product that does something like “magic”. Or anything to fill someone’s wishes, as does the Genie.

The Genie of the Lamp stands guard near Pedrito, who is relaxed while reading a magazine.

Hey Genie, can you bring me a coffee?

As you wish, my master. Moka Java, Costa Rica, Brazil?

Common coffee.
(Genie snorts)

What’s wrong?

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Spanish – Cameraman protagonista

El cocinero mandaparte habla y cocina. El camarógrafo se tienta con la comida. Se acerca a una cereza y la roba. La imagen muestra un lento acercamiento a la cereza, pese a que el cocinero habla de otra cosa. Primerísimo primer plano de la cereza.

Luego de un breve plano del cocinero hablando ante cámara, sobre las delicias de las cerezas, algo ocurre. Plano del cocinero que busca en vano la cereza, y luego trata de disimular y cambia de tema. Plano del plato vacío sin la cereza (se la comió el cameraman). Continue reading

Pharmaceutical urgency

At the pharmacy, several customers. There comes an old man with a backpack with an oxygen tank, with tubes coming out of the tank into his nose.

Customers buy minutiae, cosmetics, aspirin, ask prices, ask for advice. The old man is breathing with increasing difficulty, and looks worried as the level of oxygen goes down.

One customer worries about the old man and asks the pharmacist to hurry. Meanwhile, the old man tries to light a cigarette. The others discourage him. Continue reading

The Pope goes to the Dentist

In a dental waiting room we see several patients with swollen faces and the typical bandage around face and head.
The camera focuses on each and the penultimate is … the Pope, with his typical miter (high hat) and ceremonial clothes. The camera shows: Patient 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Pope), 6, and then back to 5, as if notizing the Pope with surprise. Continue reading

Tramp Sommelier

A tramp drinking from a wine carton while watching TV from a shop window in an electronics store, sees a wine sommelier explaining an expensive wine.
– This exquisite cabernet-sauvignon Roncesvalles has a hierarchical and elegant scent …
(the tramp smells his wine and behaves like a Lord) Continue reading


A singer is making playback, in a full auditorium. But he needs to sneeze. The playback continues as if nothing happened. Then he must answer the cell phone. Then an admirer asks for an autograph and a kiss.

During the whole song, the music continues as if nothing happened.

Finally, he salutes the public as if nothing was wrong.

Note: this sketch is an opportunity for a composer or a singer to show his artwork, or to a model to show his body.

En español: Playback

Supermag, the lousy magician

Supermag is a lousy magician, but has a very pretty asistant. He is mixing a deck of cards and they fall from his hands. He spends time collecting them.

He talks to the cameraman explaining how to fix the mishap: combine a video played backwards to the video of the accident card fall. We later see the fixed video, where the magician has his cards go back to his hand.

The cameraman will be part of many other episodes, because he can cut and paste film to make “magic” tricks, like the assistant disappearance.

He invites someone from the public to select a card. He takes the card and puts it back in the deck, but both forget which card it was. The asistant smiles all the time at the crowd and is unable to help.
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