Category Archives: Mute

Pharmaceutical urgency

At the pharmacy, several customers. There comes an old man with a backpack with an oxygen tank, with tubes coming out of the tank into his nose.

Customers buy minutiae, cosmetics, aspirin, ask prices, ask for advice. The old man is breathing with increasing difficulty, and looks worried as the level of oxygen goes down.

One customer worries about the old man and asks the pharmacist to hurry. Meanwhile, the old man tries to light a cigarette. The others discourage him. Continue reading


A singer is making playback, in a full auditorium. But he needs to sneeze. The playback continues as if nothing happened. Then he must answer the cell phone. Then an admirer asks for an autograph and a kiss.autograph

During the whole song, the music continues as if nothing happened.

Finally, he salutes the public as if nothing was wrong.

Note: this sketch is an opportunity for a composer or a singer to show his artwork, or to a model to show his body.

En español: Playback

Supermag, the lousy magician

Supermag is a lousy magician, but has a very pretty asistant. He is mixing a deck of cards and they fall from his hands. He spends time collecting them.

He talks to the cameraman explaining how to fix the mishap: combine a video played backwards to the video of the accident card fall. We later see the fixed video, where the magician has his cards go back to his hand.

The cameraman will be part of many other episodes, because he can cut and paste film to make “magic” tricks, like the assistant disappearance.

He invites someone from the public to select a card. He takes the card and puts it back in the deck, but both forget which card it was. The asistant smiles all the time at the crowd and is unable to help.
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Self Help Me

Brief humor TV Script

This is a sample of my humor creativity for TV.  One out the 100 scripts writen by Serapio Sergiovich, addressed to TV producers. Intended to be produced and distributed in the Web as well as in TV. Short humor videos are suitable for fast, viral marketing and promotion in the social networks.

A prophet of the self-help field promotes his book, “Do things right the first time”. He is supposed to read paragraphs from the book, wave at his admirers and smile to the camera.BOOK

However, he often stumbles, confused, forgets what he has to say and the director has to cut and roll again. In the intervals, he takes medication from several flasks, takes out a cigarette and smokes on the sly. He made a small hidding cubicle with books, where he drinks whiskey, smokes marijuana, pulls out a syringe and injects something on his arm.
On camera he shows a forced and exagerated smile, but as soon as the director cuts the filming, he shows a hostile and bitter face.

He drops whiskey on his shirt, rolls differently his sleeves, keeps cigarettes visible in his shirt pocket, lets his hair go untidy. He drops the microphone and they have to fix it with duct tape. Continue reading

Potato chips. Radio interview.

The Journalist, Louis, interviews a boring and pedantic guest, an unknown actress who speaks without a pause. On the table there are two glasses of water and a bowl of potato chips. The journalist tries a potato and an exagerated noise is heard:


From the controlling room a sound technician makes exagerated gestures to him, warning about the loud noise of the crunchy potato chip.

The journalist, very carefully, breaks down a chip with his fingers and takes a very small piece to his mouth. Again, a loud:


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